Detroit Lesson On Golf LLC and local merchants have partnered to offer you savings on your favorite restaurants, products and services. Each week one or more area merchants will be featured by Detroit Lesson On Golf LLC. You will then have the opportunity to purchase gift certificates for that business at half-price!
Q: Is buying online safe?
A: The Detroit Lesson On Golf LLC website uses secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology to secure communications by encrypting all data to and from the site.
Q: What about my e-mail confirmation?
A: You will get one confirmation for each purchase. Save it for your records. If you do not get one, please check that it was not blocked by your spam filter.
Q: When will my gift certificate arrive?
A: Your certificate will be emailed to you. Please check your spam folder as these are sent immediately and automatically after purchase.
Q: What if I do not receive my certificates?
A: If it has been more than 3 weeks from your order date, please email us at to inquire with us. Be certain to include the spelling of your last name, order # and phone # with area code.
Q: I ordered more than one certificate and did not receive my entire order in the mail?
A: Your certificates will be mailed in separate envelopes. Even though they were mailed on the same day, the post office may not deliver them to you on the same day.
Q: Can I give my certificates as gifts?
A: Yes, all certificates are transferable. You will have the option to write a gift message directly on your certificate in the memo line provided.
Q: What if it appears I have been double charged for my order?
A: If you had a declined attempt to purchase your certificate it may have resulted in a pre-authorized charge (for each time your card was declined) that will appear on your credit card balance temporarily. This charge will not be authorized and will not be deducted from your account balance.
Q: What are the restrictions?
A: The certificates are sold for less than face value and are not redeemable for cash. Other restrictions are specific to each deal and may include expiration dates and other usage restrictions. All restrictions are available on the site and listed in two (2) places before your purchase.